Hundreds of thousands years ago, troglodytes doodled on cave walls. Still we are able to decipher what they were yammering about thanks to linguists. This is why you need to get your hardware and software localized. Gotta let your customers know the awesomeness of your products without the constraint of language.
Let us take you to Indonesia, whose 250+ millions of population offer a viable domestic market for investors. Nevertheless, even the best of investors need to consider one factor: language. Any products offered, –take apps, games, and websites, for example—become sellouts thanks to localization. This is the part where we take over.
Anyone may take translation and localization lightly. But in Linguwiz, we make them our priority. Translation and localization are our way of life. This is a passion that separates the mediocres from the extraordinaires.
Linguwiz offers economically feasible translation and localization services for you without sacrificing quality. We are perfect for those searching assistances in translating their documents, games, apps, websites, and whatnots from select international languages into Indonesian.
Ready to hear huge benefits of our services? You will still receive quality translations from experienced and capable native translators, even at lesser rates. Further cast away your worries, as at Linguwiz, your products’ confidentiality wouldn’t be at stake.
Linguwiz makes it easy for you to get your documents translated or localized without hassle. Most of the times, you might be forced to sacrifice either translation quality or the thickness of your wallet. Let’s end this baffling cycle NOW! All you have to do is bring us your linguistic problems, sit back, relax, and watch our native speakers work their magic.
Why Us?
Experienced in project management
Project management is about teamwork, communication, control skills, and planning. We got that covered.
We Only Hire THE Best
We are really picky in terms of hiring. Granted, our team consists of exceptionally, extraordinary pros at linguistry.
Global Knowledge
Our team of linguistic wizards, as our name implies, is prepared to battle with your English, German, French, Chinese, and Japanese materials for your Indonesian audiences, in any fields.
Reliable Linguistic Precision
Not only transferring your message, we also consider acculturation factors and cultural nuisances.
Competitive Rate
Quick turnaround, accurate translation, and competitive rate. Now this is value for money. Even at affordable rates, you will still receive high quality result, not unlike the other lavishly provided services. Here you can bring all your problems and let us handle them for you.
Multi-Phase Quality Control
Among translation, localization, editing, and proofreading, we leverage the magic of XBench, too. Quality and accuracy, CHECKED!